
A Family 6

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"I'm tired of English!" I whined as I sat next to Aunt Alice. She shrugged.

"Can't you stand going to school you're entire existence!" I asked.

"You get used to it" she said.

"Want to sleep over tonight? It is Friday!" she asked. I thought about it.

"Sure!" I smiled she clapped and the bell rang.

"Yay!" she cheered. I giggled.

"Miss Cullen, Miss Cullen please pay attention" Mr.Medina said. I blushed red and Alice giggled.

"You have your mother's blush!" she whispered.

"shush!" I pleaded. She smirked.

"Fine!" she said.

More classes! Yay!  I looked for Mom and she came out of History.

"C'mon you two!" Aunt Alice asked and dragged us to the table. Their eyes went big.

"Hey" Mom squealed and started crying. Emmett picked her up in a hug.

"Little Sister!" he said and Mom giggled.

"I missed you too Emmett!" she smiled. He put her down and Jazz smiled at her.  They hugged.

"Hi Jasper" she smiled.

"Hello Bella" he said.

"Thank you for forgiving me" he said.

"There was nothing to forgive" she said. Edward stared at her.

"Hello Rosalie, Edward" she forced through her teeth.

"Hi Bella" Rosalie said.

"Guess what?! They're spending the night!" Alice squealed.

"Alice I can't. I mean…" she asked.

"Of course I understand" Alice said

"thanks" she said.

"I'm still going" I said.

"Great!" Rose said sarcastically.

"Rosalie I know you don't like me but I can kick your ass if you do not respect my daughter" Mom threatened.

"Bite me!" she hissed.

"Glad to!" mom retorted.

"Bella calm down" Dad said.

"Don't" she warned.

"I would if I were you" I said.

"Don't you say that to me" Edward said in a fatherly voice.

"What? Trying to go all fatherly now?" I asked.

"Gianna-" Mom stared but I cut her off.

"No! You know what I'm going outside" I said and walked outside and sat at a table.

"Hey I didn't want to sit there either, the tension was too thick" Alice said coming outside. I smiled at her giving my thanks.

I learned she likes shopping, make-overs, girly stuff, her Porsche, and designs clothes.

"Come on" she said as the bell rang. I sighed and went to my next class.

More classes all I want to do is go to Alice's. I'm in last period and my teacher is being boring. I almost fell asleep! Ring. Thank god! I sprinted from class and found my car being admired by students. I walked to it.

"Is this your car?" a girl asked. I nodded. I looked to Alice who's car was next to mine and she giggled.

"It's so cool! How'd you'd get it?" she asked. I shrugged.

"My Uncle got me it" I told her

"It's so cool" she said and walked off. I turned to Aunt Alice.

"That was…weird" I said and she smiled.

"I guess. What do you want to do tonight? I need to get to know you" she said. We were waiting for the family to get here. Mom didn't want to put up with Rosalie and Edward so she left telling me she'll be at the house and she'll see me tomorrow.

"I don't know" I said.

"You like make-overs?" she asked. I nodded.

"Thank god! Your mother hated them! She asked your father to save her!" she said. I laughed, she's still the same.

"Mom is still like that" I said. Her eyes went big. Jasper came and Emmett was behind him with a pissed off Rosalie and depressed looking Edward.

"What crawled up your butt?" I asked.

"Gianna!" Jasper and Alice scolded. I shrugged.

"Nothing" he said and looked away.

"he's sad because Belly left" Emmett pouted.

"Good riddance" Rosalie sneered.

"Hey! Do not talk about my mother that way! Like how she said she can kick your ass if you hurt me, well I'll return the favor!" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Didn't your mother teach you manners?" she asked getting closer.

"She drilled me into it. I just feel you don't deserve them" I said and leaned against my car.

"Anyone coming with me?" I asked. Edward looked up. I had my thoughts blocked all the time from him.

"I will" he said. I sighed and unlocked my car.

"Fine" I said and got in. He got in and I followed Alice from the parking lot.
"Why do you hate me?" he asked.

"I don't. I just hate what you did to my mother" I explained.

"So I still have a chance?" he asked. I nodded.

"You'll have to earn my respect though" I said.

"What about your mother?"

"You're going to work a lot harder. It may take a while, because mom's stubborn, but you'll get there"

"Thank you"

"Hey you're still my Dad" I smiled. He smiled too. Maybe he's not so bad after all.

"Thank you" he said. Damn it! He chuckled.

"Come on!!" Alice smiled. I sighed and let her open my car door and hand me my keys.

"Thanks" I said.

"Welcome! Now come on!" she smiled. We walked through and I saw my overnight bag.

"Um, Alice why is m bag here?: I asked.

"Oh I asked Bella for it!" she giggled. She is apparently crazy! Edward snorted. Damn it! He laughed. Just like the car incident!

"Please stop doing that!" I pleaded.

"Sorry" he apologized with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

Alice gave me a mani-pedi, and did my make-up for a look she said she's been dying to try it out. So I allowed her. I looked like a fricken vampire! I mean a bad one at least. The Dracula looking one. She made my face completely pale and made my lips red. I heard someone coming and Alice opened the door.

"Wow!" Emmett said. I stared.

"You don't like it?" Alice asked.

"Alice she looks like a Dracula impersonate" he said in an accent. I took a make-up wipe and wiped it off. It took 4. My face was again beautiful and clean.

"You never let me have any fun!" she pouted. I smiled.

"Emmett what do you need?" she asked.

"Oh we're playing baseball!" he smiled.

"I'm game. You?"

"I'm in!" I smiled.

"Oh awesome! I'll tell the others!" he bolted down the stairs. Alice went to her closet and pulled out something.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh it's a baseball jersey I got Bella" she smiled. I looked at the back and it was Edward's Little Swan. I rolled my eyes and wore it anyway. I took off my blouse so I was in my white spaghetti strap and put that over.

"Alright" I smiled and she came back in this cute little baseball outfit.

"Cute" I said and she bounced down the stairs. Is it possible for someone to have that much energy?

"Yes" Edward called. I nodded and walked down the stairs. Edward's smiled became sad as he saw me wearing Mom's jersey. I bit my lip.

"Ok Gigi this is not like regular baseball! You'll see" Emmett winked. I nodded and we headed out to the clearing. I remember when Mom brought me here. She said it was when James bit her. The image of her scar came in my mind and I saw Edward shudder.

"At least she's still alive" I said. He nodded. I saw Carlisle marking the bases.

"Are they supposed to be that far apart?" I asked. They looked like they were miles apart!

"Yeah. Trust me they're not that far once you run them" Edward told me coming up and standing next to me. I looked around and there was something in the shadows. It was a woman and she was staring at me with a grin then she headed north to the Denali.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked me staring where I was.

"Nothing I just saw something" I waved it off. I would ask Alice later.

"Alright let's play ball!" Emmett boomed and grabbed the bat. Alice went to the pitching in the middle and Emmett was in his baseball stance. Alice threw the ball and Emmett hit it with a huge clap and I saw him run. Jasper went after the ball in the forest and came back and threw it to Esme and she tagged him.

"Damn it!" he yelled and went over to Rosalie. I giggled and Edward went up. I saw that woman again when she was near Jasper. She maneuvered herself around him so he wouldn't see.

"What are you staring at?" Jasper asked.

"I keep seeing someone. A woman" I said.

"Is she vampire?" he asked.

"Yeah with red eyes"

"I'll have Alice look into it" he said and I nodded.

"Alright hope she finds something" I said and looked again.

"Your up Gianna" I looked up to see Edward. I took it and went to bat. Alice narrowed her eyes at me and I did she same. She threw it and I hit it. I ran to the bases and got tagged by Esme.

"Damn it" I muttered. We changed spots and I got 3rd base.  Emmett was up again and he hit it and I went after it and I saw her again. She had a baseball.

"Hello" she said in a high childlike voice. I ooked behind me and everyone was looking for me.

"Hi can I have my ball back?" I asked politely. She smiled.

"You know I don't think I will. You see I've been looking for you. Your father Edward Cullen killed my mate. I thought I should go after your mother you know mate for mate? But you seem more special" she said and her fiery red hair blowing around her. I was about to scream but she covered my mouth.

"Shh! They'll hear us! Now I'll make this quick and easy" she said and was about to bite my neck until someone growled. She uncovered my mouth and I screamed bloody murder. She slapped me.

"Shut up you brat!" she hissed. I screamed again and I felt her breath on my skin an then she was across from me battling Edaward. I gasped and blacked out.


"Where's Gianna?" I asked.

"She's still after the ball" Alice said. I looked around through and didn't see her.

"Where is she?" I asked. And right on que someone screamed then it cut off sharply. I ran off in the direction and heard my family right behind me. I saw Victoria with Gianna in her arms and her teeth from her neck. I ran over and knocked her put. Gianna fainted and fell to the ground.

"Gianna!" I yelled and Alice ran over to her with Esme.

"Hello again" Victoria said and lunged for me. I jumped and she missed. She growled and ran after me. I turned around and had Jasper and Emmett next to me and we shot off after her and ran her off.

"That was not expected." Jasper said shocked. I nodded and ran off towards Gianna who was still unconscious on the floor.

"Edward calm down she'll wake up in a minute" she said.

"Come on let's take her home" Carlisle said and handed her to me. I took Gianna in my arms and she snuggled into my chest.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know! She blocked my visions! And she blocked you right?" she asked. Yeah she did.

"Yeah. I couldn't hear her"

"Well after you went after her she woke up for about a minute asking why she blacked out once I said Victoria she blacked out again" Alice explained. Just like Bella.


"come on you can put her in my room" she said once we got the backyard. She turned down her bed and I laid Gianna in there.

"Night kiddo" I told her and she hugged a pillow to herself. I sighed and walked out.

"Carlisle what are we going to do?" I asked. He bit his lip and looked up.

"We are going to notave Gianna alone. Ever. She will always have one of us with her. Even if that means Rosalie" he said.

"No" she said

"What is your problem? She's my daughter and you're her aunt! Just because you weren't nice to Bella doesn't mean you don't have to be mean to her. She's not Bella. Bella did nothing wrong. She was nothing but nice to you! And what do you do? You're a bitch to her! Gianna is a good kid. She's only acting this way to stick up for her mother. Don't dish out what you can't take" I exploded at Rose. She stared at me. She had nothing to say.

"Go on Carlisle"

"Um, as I was saying, she won't be alone until we catch Victoria. We'll be on watch and see if anything new happens." He concluded.

"Sounds good" Emmett said.

"Ok everything good?" he aske.d

"Um Carlisle there's something you should know. Bella's still alive" Alice said.

"I know Alice. I saw her at around town" Carlisle smiled.

"Ok good!" she sighed.

"Have her come over tomorrow. So we can talk" he said. I nodded.

"Alright" . Gianna screamed from upstairs. I ran upstairs with my family on my tail and ran to Alice's room. She was there asleep in Alice's bad having a nightmare.

"No" Gianna whispered, reaching her hands out, trying to get her. She was having a nightmare. Probably about Victoria getting her.

"Gianna?" Emmett asked as Jasper picked her up. She didn't even open her eyes. He gently shook her but she didn't wake up.

"Stop!" she said a little louder, squirming around frantically in her sleep. "No! Mom Dad help!" Dad?

"What the hell is going on?" Jasper asked, his eyes widened as Gianna squirmed even more. Tears were running down her cheeks and soaking into  Jasper's shirt.

"Please stop!" She yelled twisting and kicking her legs. "No Dad!" A sob broke through her mouth, I had never seen nightmares this bad. Probably got the talking in her sleep thing from Bella.

"What's wrong with her? Give her to me! Now!" I ordered. Wow daddy's getting a little over-protective, Alice thought.

"Okay." Jasper practically dropped her in my arms, a little scared I might add.

"Gianna?" I asked, brushing her face lightly. She kept on squirming around and yelling about Victoria, telling her to stop and to leave us alone and have her. Then Alice started to hum something. Bella's lullaby. She signaled for me to go on. I hummed to her like i hummed to Bella and  Gianna stopped screaming then stopped moving around and finally she was deep in sleep again.

"That's what i used to do to Bella." I smiled. "Every night before she went to sleep." i explained and brushed Gianna's hair from her forehead.

"It's her lullaby." I smiled then turned to the Alice's bed. "I'm going to lay her down now so she can sleep." People seemed kind of surprised at that statement because i barely know her. Who knew all it took was a lullaby to get rid of nightmares? Alice thought. I shrugged.

"Bella would be proud at what you just did" Esme smiled at me and turned down the stairs.
ooooh!!! Icky Vicky!!
© 2009 - 2024 drama09
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twilightgirl80's avatar
EWWWWWWW VICKY!!! Still love it! :D